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  • Gently Scented

    I love a good scent as much as the next girl but I don't need my soap to perfume my whole house. Our soaps are formulated with the perfect level of fragrance that will leave you smelling lovely and not smelling like a tween that got into mom's perfume stash.

  • 100% Goat's Milk

    Unlike other companies that dilute their soaps with a measly 10 or 25% goat's milk (seriously, who are they kidding?), we go all in with 100% goat's milk. Because when life gives you goats, you use 100% of their milk. Why settle for less when you can have the full goat's milk experience?

  • Happy Goats

    All our milk comes from Clarice, our prized Mini Nubian. She and her goat gang enjoy a 'free-range' life on our farm, where they dine on the finest hay and hustle for treats like it's a goat talent show. These goatie divas are basically our family, and we pamper them with top-notch veterinary care and so much TLC that even our neighbors are jealous of the attention they get. Because when it comes to goats, we don't kid around – except for when the goats do their thing.

My hands were f***** up

Four years ago, I traded California sunshine for Washington's liquid ambiance, thinking all that rain would be a free spa treatment for my skin. Surprise, surprise – wrong! Winters hit my hands like they owed them money, thanks to farm life, pandemic handwashing marathons, and the joy of wrangling newborns. I threw every cream, oil, and lotion at them, but it was like my hands were staging a rebellion.

And then, like a skincare superhero, goat's milk soap swooped in. My skin did a 180, and now I'm the self-proclaimed president of the 'Obsessed with Goat's Milk' fan club. Turns out, goats are the unsung heroes of skincare. Move over, fancy creams – goats have got this moisturizing thing down, and my cracked hands have never been happier. Thank you, goats, for saving my skin and making me the #1 goat groupie!

Our Values

Natural and Gentle Ingredients

Falcone Farm was founded by a person with sensitive skin for people with sensitive skin. We believe in using ingredients and formulas that support people with sensitive skin, providing gentle yet effective solutions that prioritize safety and comfort.

Diversity and Inclusion

Our company believes that everyone should feel welcome and included in all spaces. We affirm that People of Color and LGBTQIA+ rights are human rights and are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, or skin color.

Ethical Animal Treatment

We acknowledge that our business involves the breeding of animals, and we are committed to the ethical treatment and care of these animals throughout their lives. We recognize the significant responsibility that comes with breeding and are dedicated to continually expanding our knowledge to ensure that our animals are healthy, exemplary representatives of their breed, and mentally content.

Our Customers

Our customers are at the forefront of our minds when we create our formulas. Even though we embrace a fun and playful approach, we are deeply committed to their satisfaction. Everything we do is to share the wonders of goat's milk with our customers, and we strive to provide customer service that goes above and beyond the norm.


We firmly believe in infusing humor into every facet of our lives. Acknowledging life's brevity, we strive to spark laughter daily, injecting our business with humor, sass, and a dash of snark to uplift and entertain.